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string(19) "2023-01-16 11:39:54"
string(19) "2023-01-16 09:39:54"
string(1918) "
Heritage artefacts are dear to thousands of history-lovers in Israel, who fondly collect, remember and keep material heritage. Our personal, communal and national identity and history are intertwined, with artefacts serving as evidence.
These heritage treasures, testimonies, relics and memories that shape our lives are kept, and sometimes forgotten, in hundreds of obscure collections and small museums unrecognized according to the Israel Museum law (1983).
The Eretz Hefetz initiative focuses on heritage treasures kept in unrecognized museums, aiming to establish a central online portal allowing access to these collections. This site aims to serve as a digital museum showcasing heritage treasures. To collection curators we offer tools and guidance to enable systematic and orderly registration in a fashion that meets professional standards, and promote preservation and appropriate exhibition of heritage treasures.
We intend to collect information, expand on stories, host online exhibitions, and foster angagement of heritage enthusiasts with the wider public.
The information about the items displayed on this site was gathered by volunteers as part of the registration process. The details have not yet been fully reviewed and may contain inaccuracies. We invite the public to contribute corrections, clarifications, or additional information..
string(18) "About Eretz Hefetz"
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string(6) "closed"
string(6) "closed"
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string(19) "2025-01-13 12:11:03"
string(19) "2025-01-13 10:11:03"
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string(59) "https://eretzhefetz-portal.aks2.linnovate.net/?page_id=2466"
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Heritage artefacts are dear to thousands of history-lovers in Israel, who fondly collect, remember and keep material heritage. Our personal, communal and national identity and history are intertwined, with artefacts serving as evidence.
These heritage treasures, testimonies, relics and memories that shape our lives are kept, and sometimes forgotten, in hundreds of obscure collections and small museums unrecognized according to the Israel Museum law (1983).
The Eretz Hefetz initiative focuses on heritage treasures kept in unrecognized museums, aiming to establish a central online portal allowing access to these collections. This site aims to serve as a digital museum showcasing heritage treasures. To collection curators we offer tools and guidance to enable systematic and orderly registration in a fashion that meets professional standards, and promote preservation and appropriate exhibition of heritage treasures.
We intend to collect information, expand on stories, host online exhibitions, and foster angagement of heritage enthusiasts with the wider public.
The information about the items displayed on this site was gathered by volunteers as part of the registration process. The details have not yet been fully reviewed and may contain inaccuracies. We invite the public to contribute corrections, clarifications, or additional information..
Adding a collection and joining the project
Adding a collection and joining the project
Managers of small and medium-sized heritage collections – we invite you to join the project to register and document collections. Leave your details and a representative from the project will contact you to check whether the collection meets the criteria, explain how the project operates, and arrange a meeting to get to know the collection. To let us know about the existence of a collection worthy of preservation (even if you are not directly related to it), click on "Add a collection" and tell us about hidden treasures.
מי אנחנו
ד"ר נירית שלו־כליפא
אוצרת ומנהלת המחלקה להיסטוריה חזותית, אוצרות ותיעוד ביד בן־צבי
Dina Grossman
מנהלת מיזמי מורשת דיגיטליים
זהר בן־עבו ריבלין
אוצרת משנה ורכזת מיזם ארץ חפץ
רות עיטם־פכטוביץ
מחקר ורשמות מיזמי תיעוד
Irit Oren
רכזת מיזם ארץ חפץ
Nir Yariv
טכנולוגיות ומידע
ד"ר יהודית לובנשטיין-ויצטום
רכזת פרוייקטים